
Looking for a guided meditation? Need a sweaty vinyasa flow? Just beginning? How about a relaxing yin class? Choose a style that fits your mood, energy level or interest.

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  • All
  • Beginner
  • Meditation + Breathwork
  • Mommy and Me + Kids Yoga
  • Postnatal
  • Prenatal
  • Quick Tips
  • Restorative + Yin Yoga
  • Strength Building
  • Therapeutic Yoga
  • Vinyasa
10 Minutes

Flowing Meditation

We will run through 5 sun salutations and then take 5 minutes in meditation. A great way to start, finish or reset your day.

30 Minutes

Detox Your Socks Off

Twists are a great way to unwind your back and release toxins from the body. We will get the heart rate up in this 30 minute flow.

30 Minutes

Wall Yoga Flow for Hamstrings

Anther specialty Wall Yoga with Wendy! Feeling tight in your hamstrings? Use this 30 minute class to breathe and stretch your hamstrings and other leg muscles that get tight from running, walking and sitting. OPTIONAL PROPS: 1 Blanket, 2 Blocks

30 Minutes

Wall Class Building Strength

Another specialty Wall Yoga with Wendy! This 30 minute sequence is designed to help you build strength in the legs, core and arms. You'll use the wall to align the hips for poses like Warrior Three, and learn how to create the same shapes upside down in an inversion. SUGGESTED PROPS: 2 Blocks

10 Minutes

Postnatal Care

Ready to begin strengthening your core after having a baby? This 10 minute sequence is a gentle way to begin to engage the abdominal wall. Its important to regain your core strength to protect your lower back and hips from the imbalances that can occur with holding babies. Before practicing, please get clearance from your doctor. OPTIONAL PROPS: 1 Block

10 Minutes

Peaceful Mind Meditation

A guided meditation used to calm the senses and find peace within. Sit or lie comfortably and practice as often as needed.

75 Minutes

Mindful Mandala Namaskar

If we pay attention, we will find that our lives and everything in them happens in a circular pattern. Lessons come back around to remind us of our strength and what we have gained. The unending circle of our breath rolling in and out supports us. Seasons change around us and the clock ticks as we walked our paths. The karmic circle allows us to see life from many vantage points so we can continue to grow and understand our authentic self. Our yoga practice is an unending - like the circle - exploration of your body, mind and spirit. Let's flow with the pulse of life through this challenging sequence and allow ourselves to open our true potential. OPTIONAL PROPS: 1 Strap, 1 Block

75 Minutes

Non-Attachment (Aparigraha)

This power vinyasa class focuses on forward bends and twists as a tool to go inward and practice non-attachment. We observe the nature of our thoughts and the things we feel bonded to. OPTIONAL PROPS: 1 Block, 1 Strap

75 Minutes

Open Chest and Shoulders | Prenatal

Create space in the chest and shoulders to counter the rounding in the upper back caused by a growing belly and baby. Use this class particularly in the third trimester to promote a healthy milk supply for baby. SUGGESTED PROPS: 1 Strap, 2 Blocks/Blanket or Bolsters

75 Minutes

3rd Chakra

Step into your power and fire by awakening your 3rd Chakra. We explore core work, crow, side crow & flying pigeon within this continuous flow. OPTIONAL PROPS: 1 Bolster, 1 Block

75 Minutes

Careful Creation | Ardha Chandrasana Chapasana

This challenging variation of Ardha Chandrasana (1/2 Moon) is both a powerful heart opener and balancing pose. We will build a strong foundation through breath and detailed attention to the integrity of your alignment. Focusing the mind, opening and strengthening shoulders, hips and hamstrings will help prepare the body and spirit to soar in the final asana. OPTIONAL PROPS: 1 Block, 1 Strap

75 Minutes

Pincha Mayurasana

Flow prep for successful Pincha Mayurasana. SUGGESTED PROPS: 1 Block, 1 Strap